Friday 12 October 2012

Sling Walk for International Babywearing Week

After a drizzly, wet couple of days, I was pleased to be greeted with some glorious sunshine this morning for our sling walk!

We had a lovely walk along the beach, gave away some great freebies, and then went for a cuppa and a play!

Project Baby Bilum

This blog post came to my attention through Facebook.  Please read Project Baby Bilum for the full story, but in brief, in a village in Papua New Guinea, mothers are going out each day sourcing food for their families.  Because of this they are only breastfeeding their babies two or three times a day, and the babies are not gaining weight as their should.  These women can't afford material for clothes, let along slings, so aren't able to take their babies to collect food with them.

Adriel is appealing for people to donate ring slings.  Ring slings specifically because they are easy to post, adjustable for different mothers and babies, and have a minimum of fabric so won't get used for other things (like clothes).

I will be organising a sling making day (or possibly two) where people can come and make a sling to send to this great cause.  All the materials will be provided.  Please get in touch if you would like more information.

If you are not local to South Devon but would like to get involved, either by making a sling, or donating a sling, please get in touch.

Friday 28 September 2012

International Babywearing Week

It's International Babywearing Week from 8 - 14 October 2012.

There are events going on all over the world to celebrate the joy of babywearing.

We will be doing a sling walk in Teignmouth on Friday 12th October 2012, meeting at the Pier at 10.30am.  Pregnant ladies, pushchairs, experienced babywearers and sling newbies all welcome!!/events/107855342704989/

Sunday 29 July 2012

Opportunity Plus South West

I have just started working for Opportunity Plus South West, supporting people who want to start their own business.  I will still be doing my sling workshops and walks, but the back to work support side of things will be done through this new employment.

Part of my job is setting us up on social media (awesome!), please check out the following links:

Saturday 28 July 2012

FOSS Free Family Funday

This afternoon I have been demoing slings along with Jill Jolley from Wears my baby at the FOSS Family Funday at Dawlish Leisure Centre.  This is a completely free annual event put on by Friends of Sure Start, open to families with children under five.  The focus was on healthy eating so there was free fruit and a free smoothie bar along with loads of fun activities for all the kids.

We had lots of interest and showed parents (Mums and Dads too) how to use a range of slings.  Best of all we had a few pregnant ladies asking about them!  It was great to have several Mums asking about carrying their toddlers too as often people can't imagine using them past the first year.

I will be setting a summer sling making date as soon as possible - watch this space!

Chloe (me) from Gosling, Jill from Wears my Baby, and Cheryl from FOSS 
Jill demoing how to put a toddler on your back in a mei tai using  the "santa toss" method

Charlie on Daddy's back showing just how magical slings are for getting babies to sleep!

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Slings and cushions

Yesterday we had another successful sling making workshop at Inverteign.  In the afternoon, one of the lovely ladies who came to my first workshop came and taught three Mums to make patchwork cushions.

It is now the summer holidays, I will be setting more Inverteign dates in October.  Please get in touch if you'd like to have a go before then and I may book a date elsewhere in between.

Thursday 12 July 2012

Preparing for next week

I have another busy week coming up.  On Monday I was booked to go up to Inverteign to do some bunting and cushions to decorate the centre, but there is such high demand for sling making that I've got about 8 people signed up to do slings as well!  It's great to see how popular the course is.

Next Thursday I am providing materials and equipment for "crafty moments" - a bunting making session organised by Friends of Sure Start.

So looks like I will be spending the rainy weekend cutting out triangles from my fabric scraps!

Sunday 24 June 2012

A busy week!

Wow, this has been a busy week!  On Monday I was up at Inverteign, where five Mums made themselves beautiful slings.  Then on Friday I was up in Tiverton with another five Mums.  And yesterday I was at the first, fantastic, pregnancy and baby fair at the Hub on the Green in Exeter.  I met lots of lovely Mums, and lots of fab practitioners offering services like active birth, baby sensory classes, real nappies, etc etc.

I have a little competition going at the moment, where you can win six free active birth classes worth £54 in Exeter or Tiverton with Lazy Daisy Birthing. All you have to do is like my page and the lazy daisy page, and then like the relevant status on my page, before Saturday 30th June at 8pm, when a name will be picked from a hat!

Monday 18 June 2012

Super Sling Sewing!

I have just got back from another sling session up at Inverteign where a fantastic FIVE slings were made - they are all stunning, and all very different!  And they will be homes to a range of babies - newborn, 9 weeks, 6 months, 1 year, 18 months.  When the Mums were trying their slings out at the end TWO of the babies fell asleep - you don't get a better advert than that!!

Friday 15 June 2012

Toddler Waddle and Sling Walk

The wonderful Cheryl from Friends of Sure Start Teignmouth and Dawlish has arranged this event for tomorrow.  There will be a bouncy castle and cream teas so it should be a lovely afternoon.  It is all to raise funds for FOSS, who organise all sorts of wonderful events locally, and also for the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital.

Today I completed Teignbridge Council's Walk This Way Training; so watch this space and I will soon be organising regular sling walks in Teignmouth.  Please let me know if there is a specific day/time that you would like and I will try to fit it in so that as many people as possible can come.

Teignmouth WAHMs

I have just set up a group on facebook to support work at home Mums, Mums who have small businesses, and those who are thinking of starting a new business.  Ask to join it here:

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Exeter Pregnancy and Baby Fair - 23/06/12

I will be at this event on 23rd June, talking about babywearing in general as well as selling my own products, and hopefully signing up some more lovely ladies to come and learn to make a sling and receive ongoing confidence building and back to work support.

Thursday 31 May 2012

Maternity Leavers

I have just discovered this great website -

It is designed for career women who don't want to lose their career just because they have become a mother.  She does 1:1 coaching face to face in London, or over the phone/skype if you're elsewhere.  If that's not for you, there is loads of useful information on the site about being a working mother.  There is a brilliant FREE e-book to download as well.

Well worth checking out.

New dates

I will be running two courses in Tiverton Town Hall on Friday 22nd June - 10-12 and 1-3, with everyone getting together for lunch and a natter inbetween.  Please get in touch if you'd like a place.

I will be back up at Inverteign Family Learning Centre on Monday 16th July.  One of the lovely ladies from my first session will be teaching a group to make patchwork cushions and bunting for the centre.  This will be a really lovely day, it's the last week of term so everyone will be in high spirits I'm sure!!  This will just be open to members of the centre.

I will be booking more dates at Inverteign, and at other community centres around Devon over the next few weeks for sling sewing and some other exciting courses that will remain secret for now!

Monday 14 May 2012


I've just come back from my first sling sewing session - phew!!

I had three lovely ladies with me today, and they made some gorgeous slings and even had time at the end to make some bunting!  All three had no (or very little) experience on a sewing machine, but I hope that they are inspired to go and do some more sewing now.

Though we had a creche for the little ones, two of us (including me) ended up having our babies in with us for most of the time.  Luckily there were lots of people on hand only too happy to cuddle a baby!

Thank you ladies for being my guinea pigs!!  Next session is on Monday 18th June at Inverteign Family Learning Centre, get in touch if you'd like to book a place.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Choosing fabric to make a ring sling

When I run courses I will be providing fabrics to make slings, but if you want to provide your own that's great - you get the exact sling you want, and I have more materials to help more mummies!  You can also buy a pair of rings from me and instructions to make your own sling at home.

You need to buy 2m of fabric, as your sling should be 55cm - 75cm wide and 170cm - 200cm long.  If you buy a wider fabric (look for 60" wide) then you can make two slings - one for you and one for a friend!  If you buy a narrower fabric (44") you can make two narrow slings to use together like a wrap, or just use the spare to make matching accessories - maybe a taggie, or an outfit for your child's toy, or some bunting, or even a toy sling for your older child.

Cut your fabric to the larger size and make a no sew sling to see what size works best for you.  A wider sling is more comfortable, but can swamp a newborn and is harder to adjust.  A narrower sling is quicker to slot a toddler in and out of, but harder to get a good seat.  A long tail is great for covering you up when breastfeeding, but is more fabric to carry around and get to grips with.  I usually go for 180cm x 70cm.

You can either use one layer of fabric with matching or contrasting bias binding (5m) on the seams, or two layers sewn right sides together and then turned out.

For a one layer sling, make sure your fabric doesn't have a "wrong" side.  Cotton or polycotton drill are great, as is linen, also look at menswear fabrics.  For a fancy sling you could even use silk.  If you want to do a practice sling, just use a pashmina and you don't need to worry about hems.  Pashminas make very pretty, soft slings but are not designed for carrying babies so this is not a long term option, but great for getting started, or for special occasions like weddings.

one layer of polycotton drill with different coloured bias binding to help with adjusting

For a two layer sling I usually choose one print and one plain.  Cotton or polycotton are both great for this.
 reversible sling - wool and cotton lawn

If you want to really invest in your sling, I recommend getting a wrap, which is woven specifically for carrying babies.  You can buy a long wrap and cut it to make a ring sling and a shorter wrap.  Look out for second hand hoppediz, didymos, storchenweige.

And if in doubt - just get in touch! I'm always happy to help.

Sling Walk

We had our second sling walk today, with a good turnout of 8 mummies and babies, and 5 types of sling.  It was the perfect day for it and we walked along the beach and sea wall towards Holcombe.  By the time we got to Holcombe 8/8 babies were fast asleep!  We had a picnic stop in the sun at Sprey Point and then a tea stop at the beachcomber - perfect!!

The next walk will be on Tuesday 26th June, meeting at 10.30am at Bitton Park and walking to Shaldon.  I'd love to see some pregnant ladies too, walking is great for getting your baby into a good position for birth and you can find out more about slings so that you can use them from newborn.

Friday 4 May 2012

Breastfeeding Peer Supporter!

Today I finished my training to become a breastfeeding peer supporter.  It was a really enjoyable and interesting course and I highly recommend it to anyone who is passionate about breastfeeding.  It was run by Healthy Babies UK through my local Sure Start centre.

I hope to be able to use the course to help new Mums through the tough early days and weeks, and particularly support them when they are returning to work and want to continue their breastfeeding relationship.  I went back to work when Oscar was 11 months, and kept feeding several times a day (and night!) until 19 months.

I have also completed a babywearing peer supporter course through the School of Babywearing.

If you are interested in either course, see these websites:

Thursday 3 May 2012

Why I'm doing this

At the moment, I'm mega stressed out getting everything set up, tired with a teething baby, and I have developed a fear that someone is going to expose me as a great big fraud who has no clue what they're doing!  Every time I get an email, or a facebook notification, rather than getting excited about a potential new customer, I panic that I've done something wrong - of course it never is that (at least so far!).

This feeling reminds me of when I was returning to work after having Oscar, I really felt like I had forgotten everything, and couldn't believe anyone would listen to me and take me seriously.  This is exactly why I want to do this project - even if you are returning to a job that you have been doing for a long time and are good at, it is still nerve-racking going back after a six month or year long break... starting a brand new job is even worse - not to mention finding one!

I hope I'll be able to support lots of lovely Mummies at that stage, with the anxiety of going back, finding suitable childcare, choosing the right hours for you and your employer, adapting to a new breastfeeding routine, and getting their heads around tax credits.

My lovely husband-to-be has taken the boys out for the afternoon so I can relax and I'm spending the time getting to know my shiny new sewing machine by making some bunting out of my ever growing bag of fabric.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

What's in a name?

I just thought I should explain the name Gosling.

It all came about from my partner suggesting i-sling in line with all the apple stuff, I said what about o-sling as our little boy is called Oscar... that became go sling, which also happens to read gosling (baby goose) which ties in nicely with baby products!  I like to cause a bit of confusion with people not knowing whether to say go sling or gosling ;)

It also works great with the Mums thing, as geese fly in formation, taking it in turns to take the lead.  That's exactly what I want, everyone to support each other within the group in whatever way they can, whether it's offering someone sympathy on a rough night's sleep, taking them out for a cuppa and their first public breastfeed, helping them with sewing, or sharing their work experience with someone who wants to pursue a similar career.

Trial Run

Back in March, I did a trial run of the sling making with two friends (and fellow babywearers) and it went really well.  They both successfully made their slings and were really proud of themselves, it was very sweet!  It was useful for me too as I am more aware of the little things that people might find difficult and need extra help with.  We all had our babies, so they did a lot of the sewing whilst wearing and even feeding their babies!  Thankfully when I'm up and running we will have a creche!

Getting started...

So I received my funding from Unltd this week and can finally get spending!  Unfortunately it is for boring things like insurance as well as fabrics!

It all feels very real and exciting now, but also completely terrifying!  Ringing insurance companies and trying to explain exactly what cover I need has been challenging to say the least!

I've just got a shiny new sewing machine which I need to get to grips with.  Steve has been doing lots of DIY in the loft to create a nice workspace for me, mainly so I have somewhere to hang a gigantic year planner!!  I have to say, that might just be the highlight for me ;)

First sewing session is booked in for May 14th, which suddenly seems alarming close!  But I can't wait to get started.

About Gosling Mums

Gosling Mums is a project with the aim of making life easier for Mums, through introducing them to babywearing, and offering bespoke back to work support.  Mums can come and learn how to make and use their own sling, there will be sling walks and picnics and other days out, and 1:1 or group back to work support to suit the individual.  I'd also love to see other Mums sharing their skills by teaching the others crafts and helping each other with back to work support.  It is open to any Mum, whether you have a job to return to after maternity leave, if you're planning to take a break from work until your children are older, or if you are looking for work after a career break to bring up your family.

Currently the main focus is in Teignmouth, and sling making sessions are held mainly at the Inverteign Family Learning Centre.

Specifically it is aimed at disadvantaged Mums, for example:
·         low-income families
·         mothers who have no work experience
·         lone parents
·         mothers with post-natal depression
·         premature babies
·         multiple children
·         disabled parents/children
·         young mothers

The first stage is about making your life with a baby a little easier and more enjoyable.  As part of this you have the opportunity to make your own Gosling Ring Sling that can be used from 0-3 years.  As well as learning a new skill, you will be making something pretty and practical.  Slings are a great way of bonding with your baby, and have a numerous benefits for Mummy and baby; they are also a great talking point, so should help you meet other Mums.

One of the hardest parts of becoming a Mum for many people, is a feeling of isolation.  Gosling Mums has regular social get togethers where you can meet other Mums and babies.  You can use these meetings to share your stories of sleepless nights and other troubles, as well as discussing any concerns about returning to work.  It could be a walk and picnic, going to the park or soft play centre, or even a pamper day just for Mums!

When you are ready to start thinking about going back to work, Gosling Mums can help.  Even if you have a job to return to, it can still be a big worry.  We can help you decide what number of hours will work best for you once Working Tax Credits and childcare costs have been taken into account.  We can also work with you on your confidence and motivation.  If you are looking for a new job, we can support you in your job search.

For many Mums, getting the work-life balance right means self employment.  Opportunity Plus SW provide excellent free advice on starting your own business.  The Gosling Mums get togethers provide an excellent opportunity for you to share your ideas with your potential customers and get honest feedback – and maybe even a business partner!

Please get in touch with me if you would like to find out more:
Chloe Mathers – 07800 683065 - for sharing lack of sleep moans! - Support for work at home Mums, and Mums with small businesses in Teignmouth, as well as anyone thinking of starting a business.

About me

My name is Chloe, I have two young boys – Oscar and Charlie.  I have always worked in the welfare to work sector, helping disadvantaged (disabled, ex-offenders, 18-24 year olds) people into employment, mainly through work experience.

I discovered babywearing when Oscar was around four months old and got hooked!  I had wanted to use a sling before, but just didn’t know where to start – I couldn’t find anything in the shops and there was too much confusing information on the internet.  I found a website – Natural Mamas - where I could buy and sell second hand slings, and got through about 30 styles! 

I really liked the look of ring slings, but couldn’t find a design that worked for me, so I tried making my own and Gosling was born!  I also found Kozy Mei Tais were great and so many people tried mine, and went on to buy their own, that I decided to start selling them too.  My aim is to bring the benefits of babywearing to the masses by trying to remove the hippy stigma that goes with them.

I returned to work after having Oscar, and I was so nervous!  I went in to talk about my hours six months before I was due back because I was so worried about it!  I felt like I’d forgotten how to do my job, I couldn’t believe I’d ever manage to get Oscar to nursery and get to work on time!  But of course it all went fine.

Then, when I was pregnant with Charlie, I was made redundant.  Again, with a three month old baby, I started to panic!  I knew so many Mums, all with very different work situations, but none of them seemed to feel confident about returning to work – both because they didn’t want to have to leave their baby, and because they were nervous about work itself.  I decided to put my experience to good use by starting this social enterprise.

Susan at Opportunities South West has been a fantastic help and inspiration.  She pointed me in the direction of Unltd, who have provided the initial funding for this project.

Relevant qualifications that I have are: NVQ Level 3 in Advice and Guidance; Level 3 Babywearing Peer Supporter; Level 2 Breastfeeding Peer Supporter, Walk This Way Leader.

Useful Links:

Unltd - funding
Opportunities SW - Self employment support
Natural Mamas - Babywearing Forum
Kozy Website -
Healthy Babies UK (Breastfeeding Peer Support training)
School of Babywearing
Walk this Way